Infiniti Hotel & Spa, Indore increase ADR and RevPAR using Aiosell

Infiniti Hotel


Infiniti Hotel & Spa is a 3-star property in Indore, India offering 44 rooms, a roof top restaurant, bar and a multi cuisine cafe. Located just 11 kms from the city’s airport, this hotel located in city centre, and also close to tourist attractions like Bada Ganpati Temple, Dewas Tekri. The Mahakaleshwar Jyotirlinga, an important pilgrimage in Madhya Pradesh is only 55 kms away from the hotel.

The Problem

The owner, Shantanu Ganediwala was facing a challenge on how to increase business for his hotel, especially using the online channels effectively. Most of the business was coming from traditional offline channels (through corporate sales), but the online channel was quite under-represented. Though he was getting a few online bookings, it was much lower than market potential. Moreover, there was increasing concern about whether OTA management was done efficiently from his in-house team (regarding OTA commissions, rates, inventory, content, etc). Also, the online pricing strategy had to be designed keeping the offline strategy in mind, to ensure that the direct corporate business was not adversely affected due to online rates.

The Solution

The hotel partnered with Aiosell since 2017 for several solutions including automated revenue management, reputation management, booking engine and OTA management for their hotel. Aiosell dynamic pricing ensured rates were calculated efficiently, keeping all factors in mind like market demand, lead time, time of booking, seasons and day of the week. Therefore, the rates would automatically adjust higher during demand peaks (bulk booking or event dates) and would reduce rationally during lower demand. The prices also changed automatically multiple times a day in the last 24 hours, as they would get a significant percentage of their bookings on last day.

Aiosell made OTA management simpler with reports measuring Commissions, tracking invoice payments, measuring Content data, and ensuring Rate parity is maintained across the OTAs. This was a one stop shop for the hotel for all their OTA needs, making it convenient, efficient, and standardized.

The Aiosell Booking engine also ensured a significant portion of their bookings starting coming in directly on their website, saving them OTA commissions. The hotel uses Aiosell’s in-built bundled channel manager which pushes the dynamic rates and room availability across all OTAs real time.

The Results

The hotel witnessed a sharp increase in both REVPAR and ARR within the first five months of working with Aiosell. The hotel management has since engaged with Aiosell regularly to discuss pricing strategies and continue to patronize Aiosell all-in-one hotel marketing system.
Infiniti Hotel Result

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