The Future of Revenue Management Systems: Trends And Predictions

Revenue management system in the hospitality industry continually fight with several factors which threaten profitability. Success in the hospitality industry mostly depends on managing revenue, all through the fluctuations in supply and demand, working through seasonal fluctuations and responding effectively to unpredictable market conditions.

Managing the balance between pricing and bookings is one of the vital factors for the profitability and growth of a hotel. For designing effective strategies for pricing, revenue managers should be aware of the pricing of comps (competitors), monitor the landscape of the market to note any changes in demand and quickly enable changes to contributions across channels of distribution.

The formal concept of revenue management system, in the big context, is fairly new. It was only in the 1980s that hotels and hotel management schools began to consider the science of revenue management with regard to hotel inventory and began to implement systems to manage revenue.

Ever since revenue management system has evolved considerably, changes have been brought about by technological progress; tasks related to the management of revenue have been automated by computer systems. The advancement of the internet and the proliferation of online travel agencies have imbued the complications of multiple sales channels into the mix. There are even sophisticated algorithms that can better predict changes in the pace of booking and pricing. Only the factor of rapid change is the constant in this field.

What is RMS?

An RMS is a software solution which automates daily tasks of management of revenue for saving time, enhancing accuracy and increase efficacy and is used widely in the hospitality sector.

The ideal RMS collates historic data from the hotel and its set of comps. It makes use of advanced algorithms for analyzing the market dynamics, competitive landscape and demand in the future for calculating optimal prices, which will yield maximum profits.

Most modern RMS software possesses automated features which aid the revenue management system team to implement decisions quickly so as to alter scenarios of demand through adjustment of rates across channels of distribution and avoid human error.

The RMS uses data about future demand for projecting expected profit and revenue with the current strategy of pricing of the hotel. By use of such information, the revenue manager can do testing of different strategies of pricing and deliver data-driven decisions about pricing.

Modern RMS solutions feature a centralized dashboard for tracking and monitoring crucial metrics, which helps save effort and time in enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Current trends and features of Revenue Management System

  • The suggestion for room rates

Possibly the most important feature of the RMS is its capacity to calculate the best room rates accurately at a quicker rate, making use of progressive algorithms, previous data about performance, updated market data and many more.

  • Reporting of current occupancy

The RMS provides crucial data such as RevPAR (Revenue Per Available Room), occupancy rates and ADR ( Average Daily Rate). This permits you to peruse performance data from the prior month, the previous year and numerous other time frames.

  • Forecasting of revenue

An RMS can offer estimates of profit and revenue that could be potentially generated using the current strategy of pricing. Estimates of alternative strategies can be reviewed to determine the best course of future action.

RM solutions enabled by AI (Artificial Intelligence) can take the best decisions on prices based on data such as demand forecasts, rates charged by comps (competitors) and some internal factors (e.g., length of stay).

Such solutions help RMS teams to make accurate forecasts about occupancy rates and expected demand and identify the factors impacting profits and revenue.

  • Monitoring comps

When an RMS has a real-time feature of price optimization, it will constantly monitor market rates in real-time for all kinds of rooms. Monitoring of comps is vital to ensure that the hotel should not miss sources of potential revenue.

  • Personalization

The sales process tends to personalize the guest experience with add-on offers and pre-arrival upgrades. This is made possible by the use of predictive analytics, which helps to attract customers and improve profits and ROI.

  • Connected commercial strategy

In the last decade, RMS has evolved from a revenue strategy into a commercial strategy. It was during the pandemic that there was a need for specialists in commercial strategy, mainly as an exercise in downsizing. One benefit of this trend is the closer collaboration between sales teams and RMS teams.

  • Optimization of total assets

The role of the RMS manager to impact RevPAR influences the total asset life cycle of the hotel property, starting from feasibility studies and ending in final disposal.

Future of RMS

  • Rise of automated RMS

Revenue managers and hoteliers will realize that automation will not threaten their jobs but rather help them do their jobs better. RMS will free managers from tedious routine tasks and enable employees to get busy in more productive activities like managing sales.

  • Expansion of sales channels

With the expansion of channels of sales, the RMS will have to manage a continually growing number of channels. The online space still has room for many sales channels. The space of mobile phones and devices is also likely to emerge as a channel for customers to arrange reservations. A good RMS will require the capacity to process not just online bookings but also mobile bookings.

  • Faster adjustment of RevPAR

This depends on the quality and quantum of information that becomes available. Also, when some hotels make use of automated systems, there will be a quicker adjustment of rates which forces other automated systems to do likewise.

  • Wide use of concepts from other industries

Because RMS features a certain amount of prediction, it implies that RMS will draw from other industries which have a prediction at their core. For instance, one RevPAR system includes principles of the stock market for helping in generating optimal rates of rooms. Some other systems might use financial instruments for making predictions or exploiting emerging technology, such as artificial markets or crowd-sourcing. Put simply, the RMS, which uses backward-facing techniques, are headed to be obsolete.

  • The attraction of comprehensive systems

Comprehensive systems have not gained traction not because they are not good ideas but because they are regarded as expensive by hoteliers. Though this is true, the benefits outpace the costs.

In sum, though the hotel RMS of the future will not resemble current systems, they are sure to be products that enhance access to information, quicker and superior automation, conceptual development across multiple fields, more robust sales channels and more total integration of systems in a specific property. These will benefit the progressive hotels that use them.



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