An Ultimate Guide to Hotel Reputation Management

The hospitality industry is highly vulnerable to the impact of reputation management. Today’s travelers are empowered with technology to make lodging decisions based on a hotel’s online reputation. So, it comes as no surprise that hotel online reputation management has been gaining popularity because more and more people are relying on hotel online reviews and social media to make a booking decision.

Research shows that hotel reputation is one of the most powerful drivers of the hotel’s revenue and growth. The study conducted by Cornell University revealed that positive hotel reviews could boost the hotel occupancy rate by 0.54% and increase the revenue per available room by 1.42%.
A recent TripAdvisor study has given incredible insight; when given an option to choose between two identical properties, 79% of people chose the property with a higher rating. Moreover, the study also found that 81% of travelers read reviews before booking a stay.

Another online review survey says that 40% of travelers are more likely to write a positive review if they had a great experience at a hotel.
If you are a hotelier or own a property that accommodates guests, you need to manage your online hotel reviews. It is critical because your guests are going to share their experience online for others to see. By integrating your hotel revenue management software with online hotel reputation management software, you can easily stay updated on what’s being said about you on multiple review platforms, including social media. You can also communicate with your guests, earn the trust of the prospective guests, and increase your bookings and revenue.

What is hotel reputation management?

Hotel reputation management involves managing, monitoring, tracking, and responding to all hotel reviews across various platforms to influence how the hotel is perceived on the web and in the minds of potential customers.

For hoteliers, hotel reputation managementis an attempt to bridge the gap between how the hotel perceives itself and how others view it. It allows you to engage with your existing, new, and potential customers, earn their trust, have an appealing online presence, and influence their booking decision. Hotels can also use the data fetched from online sources to study customer behaviors, perform sentimental analysis, and explore the possibilities of overall business growth.

If done correctly, practicing hotel reviews management can enhance brand value, increase repeat guests, and give a boost to hotel revenue.
For customers, the hotel reviews help them have a clear idea of the services and the amenities provided by the hotel so that they can make an informed booking decision.

How a hotel’s online reputation directly impacts hotel revenues?

Hotel reviews directly impact your hotel’s reputation, demand, and revenue because a guest’s journey doesn’t end when the guest leaves the hotel; it continues even after. When they share their opinions on various online platforms, they leave an open judgment of their experience at your hotel while influencing others toying with the idea of booking your hotel.

If the review is positive, you tend to gain a lot; it builds trust and confirms better customer experience, thus increasing your chances of a potential customer booking a stay with you.
If the review is negative, and if it is ignored or not managed well, it can lead to a poor online reputation causing serious losses to your business.

How to improve your hotel’s reputation online?

Hotel’s reputation online has to be strategically managed, and that’s why you need to make it a part of your business strategy. Below are a few tactics that can help you navigate this tricky landscape easily. 
Take a quick look:
  1. Focus on review sites and social media channels:
    Hotel reviews have a big impact on the hotel business. Therefore, you need to monitor, track, collect, respond, and analyze all reviews you receive on different online platforms like Facebook, OTAs, booking engines, hotel website, etc.
  2. Reply to negative comments quickly:
    Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, proves that you take your customers’ feedback seriously. You earn the trust of your potential customers and influence them to book with you. A prompt reply to a negative review can easily convert a 2-star rating into a 3-star rating.
  3. Encourage your guests to leave reviews:
    Make it easy for your guests to say good things about you on various social media platforms, review sites, and major online publications by giving them a superb guest experience.
  4. Send automated feedback surveys:
    Your guests will respond better if you directly request for their feedback. The best way to get your customers’ feedback is by automatically sending feedback surveys.
  5. Integrate and automate:
    Directly integrating the hotel reputation management software into your cloud-based property management system can automate your outreach to past guests requesting them to send reviews and feedback. Through automation, you not only increase the number of online hotel reviews but also save time. The saved time can be used to improve the guest experience and your hotel’s reputation.

Why is it important to have online reputation management for hotels?

  1. All Reviews at One Place:
    From Google and OTAs to metasearch engines and your hotel website, a hotel reputation management software gathers all your hotel reviews in one place. So, it becomes easier for you to manage all the reviews efficiently.
  2. Real-Time Notifications:
    If it’s a negative online hotel review, you need to respond quickly, and if it’s a positive review, you need to take advantage of it to amplify your reputation. Online reputation management software allows you to do that by providing real-time notifications that let you know when a review or feedback is left so that you can respond to it accordingly.
  3. Multi-Property Management:
    Whether you run a hotel that is a part of a larger chain or you own a property portfolio, it can get challenging to manage the reputation of your multiple properties. The right reputation management software allows you to manage online reputations of all your properties at the same time.
  4. Competitor Analysis:
    The online hotel reputation management software allows you to view feedback and ratings of your competitors and compare them with your own. Not only do you get to know where you stand with your competitors, but it also gives youinsights on what your competitors are doing better than you so that you can incorporate these insights into your hotel business strategy.
  5. Detailed Review Reports:
    The hotel review management software generates detailed performance reports that give you insights into your services and a chance to improve your guest experience.
Would you like to learn how Aiosell can help you manage your online hotel reviews? Sign up now!  

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