How to Increase Revenue While Increasing Customer Satisfaction?


One thing, and only one thing, determines whether a hotel is profitable: its visitors! Any effective hotel's primary source of ongoing revenue is the visitor experience. When property management software visitors are dissatisfied with their stay, they are less inclined to book another stay or refer your hotel to others.

The visitor experience is even more crucial in the digital era of internet reviews and blogs. The property management system can stop a visitor from telling the world about an unpleasant experience they had there thereafter.

But what hoteliers can do is concentrate on providing consistently excellent guest service. People that like their stay at your hotel will come back, tell others about it, and perhaps even leave a positive online review!

To Increase Revenue While Increasing Customer Satisfaction are-

  • Making the Most of the Guest Experience

Though it should not be, word-of-mouth marketing is frequently undervalued. A satisfied customer is likely to recommend your hotel to family and friends, bringing you more business.

Additionally, word-of-mouth in today's environment extends well beyond a person's immediate circle. People can publicly discuss their reviews on social media, blogs, or online review sites.

Perfecting the visitor experience is what hoteliers must concentrate on. When attempting to enhance the visitor experience, it can be difficult to know where to begin; nevertheless, here is some useful advice below.

  • Operating Effectiveness

The fundamentals are where an exceptional visitor experience begins. If your hotel is chaotic, the experience of the guests will suffer right away. Making sure you have the appropriate processes in place to maintain your hotel's top-tier operational efficiency is the first step in the process.

A visitor will have a bad first impression, for instance, if they arrive at their hotel and must wait in a large line to check in. Fortunately, there are hotel systems out now to prevent these occurrences. Hoteliers may shorten check-in times and avoid annoying queues by putting in a property management system.

A PMS enables hotels to evaluate customer data and payment information before the arrival of the visitor, simplifying the check-in process. Even remote check-in, where visitors can check themselves into their respective rooms at a kiosk or on their own devices, is a feature of certain cloud-based PMS systems.

Your front desk can readily see forthcoming reservations and make sure they are fully prepared with the aid of a PMS system. This avoids unpleasant visitor reviews like waiting too long for a key from the front desk or having a dirty room.

With the stroke of a button, personnel can easily accommodate visitors since a property management system keeps track of every operation in a hotel, from the housekeeping schedule to the current availability. Operational efficiency may be significantly hampered in the absence of integrative technology like these.

Hoteliers must locate operational bottlenecks and determine their causes to improve operational efficiency. It's time to look into this if visitors' rooms are usually not ready before check-in. Perhaps mobile software, such as a cloud-based PMS, might help the cleaning staff by allowing them to convey which rooms are available.

Although if a hotel does everything else well, the visitor experience will suffer without optimizing operational efficiency. Additionally, operational inefficiencies can increase personnel costs and the expense of error correction, which reduces income for your hotel.

  • Customization as well as Personalization

The hospitality sector is focused on people. Travellers expect that their requirements will be met while they are travelling. Hotels with better client satisfaction rates will go above and above to show their visitors they care.

Modern hotel technology makes it simple to customize a visitor's experience. Online travellers can add any relevant details about their journey, including the reason they're going while making a reservation. Your employees will be able to create special touches for visitors if you ask them to note the purpose of their visit.

For instance, if a guest mentions that they are arriving for their honeymoon, this may be a perfect opportunity to "wow" them! A flower and a bottle of champagne left in their room are small gestures that may go a long way. People going for a special occasion may even be eligible for reduced upgrades to bigger suites at some hotels!

Hotel staff should try to tailor the experience even for visitors who opt not to disclose their purpose for arriving. When conversing with visitors, staff members should be educated to go beyond the standard script and establish connections with them.

A concierge must be available to assist guests who are having trouble with their baggage. A service member should be eager to recommend nearby eateries if a visitor complains of not having a clue where to dine in the region.

No matter why a person is travelling, a hotelier should always make sure that they are treated with respect and consideration the moment they enter the lobby. The easiest way to do this is to combine technology use with face-to-face connection building.

  • An excellent online reputation

A good internet reputation should be simple to maintain if a hotel does everything it can to provide the visitor experience seamless and delightful. There are, however, always isolated occurrences and visitors who have unrealistic expectations for their trip. Simply put, nobody can be pleased.

What happens then if one or two unfavourable evaluations of your hotel appear online? Although receiving negative reviews can be upsetting, they can also present hotels with a great opportunity.

Hoteliers must have a management representative or a specialized customer service staff that reacts to any bad feedback sympathetically and promptly. Sincere apologies and contact details should always be included in responses to unfavourable reviews so that the visitor may get in connection with the business.

Hotels should provide incentives to set things right if required, such as a credit for future accommodation or a minor return on money spent. Prospective consumers will know that you worry about their journey if you demonstrate that you are attentive to and sympathetic to visitors who have a bad experience.

Negative reviews should be viewed as helpful criticism by hoteliers. It's time to examine the products that are receiving low ratings if the same topics are coming up in guest evaluations. For instance, you may audit your cleaning services and determine

whether you need extra employees if visitors are dissatisfied with the hygiene of the rooms.

Paying very close attention to your internet reviews can help you maintain a stellar online reputation, which will encourage more guests to book rooms at your hotel rather than one of your rivals.


Your focus should be on improving the visitor experience if you want to increase sales. Hotels that offer outstanding guest experiences rank higher in online reviews, receive more recommendations, and attract more repeat business. A more prosperous hotel is the outcome of all of this increased revenue!


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