Zebula Golf Estate & Spa, South Africa recommends Aiosell RMS

Zebula Hotels


The Zebula Golf Estate & Spais located in a basin of the most pristine African bushveld, in the shadows of the Waterberg Mountains of Limpopo and a mere 2 hours drive from Johannesburg, this impressive 1600-hectare Golf Estate and Spa offers a variety of accommodation options, golf course, restaurants, adventures and activities.

The Problem

The Zebula Golf Estate offers a wide range of accommodation options (almost 65 different options)and the management was struggling to manage their rates on all online portals to maximize revenues, as they felt they were leaving money on the table. It was impossible to update rates of so many room categories manually, keeping in mind the seasonality patterns or high demand dates. The management realized that they needed an automated system which will ensure that the rates are optimized such that their revenues can be maximized with minimum intervention.

The Solution

Ash Technologies (partners of Aiosell) introduced Aiosell Automated Dynamic Pricing system to Zebula properties along with their existing channel manager. The implementation was quick and easy to setup and the pricing algorithm used factors like market demand, lead time, time of booking, day of week, seasons and real time occupancy levels, and changed rates multiple times in a day on all connected online platforms. This automation enabled the group to keep pace with the changing demand pattern thereby, optimize their revenues.

The management used the analytics and reports module of Aiosell to keep themselves updated with the key performance parameters. The group feature of Aiosell also enabled them to compare between their properties and focus better on strategic pricing decisions.

The Results

The group collectively saw a steady increase of 42% in ADR after enabling Aiosell’s revenue management system over a period of 6 months(refer the graph below). The Zebula group highly recommends Aiosell Dynamic Pricing and Revenue management system to all manually managed chains of hotels and resorts.

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